Sonoma County Office of Education

Escape - Budget Development Workshop for 2023/2024

This session is for Escape Finance Users for Budget Development for the next fiscal year.

Users will learn to create Budget Models for 2023/2024 Adopted Budget.

The workshop will provide a checklist for Budget Development:

  • Create Original Budget Models
  • Review Contributions
  • Load Salary Records from HR
  • Load Vacancies
  • Importing from Excel
  • Modifying Budget Items

Budget Reports:

  • Budget05 - Budget Salary Projections by Account
  • Budget06 - Budget Salary Projections by Employee
  • Budget102 - Budget History with 3 years
  • Pos02 - Staffing Report by Account
  • Pos03 - Position Assignments - date Range

This class is for Sonoma County employees only.

When Thursday March 30, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location Hybrid - Redwood C and Zoom Link Documentation will be sent to participants prior to date
Presenter SCOE IT Business Systems Support Analysts
Cost Free
Audience Escape Finance Users in Position Control and Budget Development
Registration closes 03/30/2023
Registration Tracy Lehmann, (707) 524-8410,
Questions Tracy Lehmann, (707) 524-8410,

Print a PDF flier for this class

Online Registration is not available.