Sonoma County Office of Education

LGBTQIA2+ Educator Affinity Group

An affinity group is a group of people who share a common interest, purpose, or identity; typically for those whose voices are under-represented and historically marginalized. In response to educator voices, SCOE is offering an affinity group to support LGBTQIA2+ educators, including classified staff, teachers, counselors, administrators, and anyone else who works in a Sonoma County school.

We will create a brave space where we celebrate imperfection, "amplify voices that have to fight to be heard elsewhere" (Beth Strano, untitled poem) and where educators can connect, collaborate, and support each other as we share stories, celebrate each others' wins, and dream for a future of liberatory and inclusive schools.

The affinity group will meet on the following dates: 9/5/24 from 3:30-6:00pm. The first 30 minutes of each meeting will be unstructured networking time; join us as your schedule allows during that time frame. The full group check-in begins at 4pm.

When September 5, 2024
3:30pm - 6:00pm
Location Sonoma County Office of Education, Oak Room
5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Presenter Hosted by SCOE Behavioral Health and Well-Being
Cost Free
Audience We invite anyone who works in a Sonoma County school to join us.
Registration closes 09/04/2024
Registration Caitlin Casey, 530-276-8158,
Questions Caitlin Casey, 530-276-8158,

Online Registration is not available.