January 2016 | This monthly e-newsletter provides a quick reference to upcoming meetings, events, and resources for administrators.
On the calendar

Jan 7 | Adopting ELA/ELD Instructional Materials  
Team-based session brings clarity to the complexity of the ELA/ELD adoption process and helps educators select instructional materials to best meet the needs of students.

Jan 8 | Leadership 40
District superintendents meet monthly to discuss common issues and share resources.

Jan 11 | SELPA Superintendents’ Council
SELPA superintendents meet monthly to discuss SELPA topics.

Jan 11, 14 & 27 | SBAC Interim Assessment Clinics
Drop-in assistance is available to participants to review key concepts behind the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments, including organization, access, and use.

Jan 14 | Budget Perspective Workshop
Presented by Capitol Advisors, ACSA, CSBA, and SSDA, workshop provides a comprehensive fiscal and political analysis of the Governor’s 2016-17 budget proposal along with a focus on efforts to extend Prop 30 tax rates in 2016.

Jan 12 & 26 | Access & Accommodations for 2016 SBAC
Workshop helps educators understand accessibility supports for the 2016 SBAC Summative Assessment and explore universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations.

Jan 15 | English Learner Leadership Conference
Participants gain access to effective tools and strategies for supporting English learners in areas such as Common Core, ELD, ELA/ELD framework, and LCFF.

Jan 21 | Classified Leadership Academy: Building Your Team
Fourth session in the series focuses on stages of team development, team assessment, and ways to increase team productivity and motivation.

Jan 25 | Preparing for 2016 SBAC Summative Assessments
Session helps guide leadership teams in planning and preparing for SBAC assessments, with assistance from CDE and Educational Testing Services representatives.

Jan 25 | Preparing for 2016 California Alternative Assessment
Led by Educational Testing Service (ETS), session guides leadership teams in planning and preparing for the year-end assessment and covers several critical topics, including technology infrastructure, test administration, and more.

Jan 25-26 | Learning-Focused Supervision
Series explores the shift from teaching-focused supervisory practices to those that are learning-focused, offering practical tools, technical tips, and standards-driven protocols for promoting professional excellence.

Jan 26 | EL Collaborative
Third session in five-part series highlights relevant English learner topics and discussions, instructional activities, presentations, and readings for EL educators.

Jan 27 | HR Quarterly Meeting
District human resources directors meet quarterly to discuss HR topics.  

January is School Board Recognition Month
We take this month to honor the dedication and hard work of local school board members in Sonoma County.

Equity at the Core Conference
SCOE is hosting a conference to provide Sonoma County educators and community leaders with information and resources to generate a conversation about equity in schools, February 9-10, 2016.

Jack London Award Applications

Sonoma State University is now accepting applications for their Jack London Award, due Feb 15.
Looking ahead to February

Sonoma County Office of Education

Steven D. Herrington, Ph.D., Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools
5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

(707) 524-2600 • www.scoe.org • www.facebook.com/SonomaCOE