June 2015 | This monthly e-newsletter provides a quick reference to upcoming meetings, events, and resources for administrators.

 On the Calendar

June 1 | SELPA Superintendents’ Council
Regular monthly meeting takes place 8:00-10:00am in the Santa Rosa City Schools’ Board Room.

June 7-8 | ieSonoma | Details
Emily Pilloton, Dan Pallotta, and Adam Braun are the featured presenters for the two-day ieSonoma event at Sonoma Country Day School the evening of June 7 and Weill Hall at SSU’s Green Music Center the morning of June 8.

June 8-12 | 21st Century Summer Institute | Details
This hands-on professional development opportunity centers on the theme of Making to Learn: Connecting the Maker Movement to CCSS, NGSS, and 21st Century Skills. Participating teachers earn a $500 stipend.

June 10 | SBAC Preliminary Results & Online Reporting | Details
Participants learn how to review their preliminary SBAC results and use the CAASPP Online Reporting System to sort and analyze data, 9:00-11:00am at SCOE.

June 15-17 | EngageNY Summer Institute | Details
Three-day institute focuses on how to use EngageNY materials to meet student needs and align mathematics instruction to the Common Core Standards, 8:30am-3:00pm. Note: June 15 session takes place at RESIG and June 16-17 at SCOE.

June 16-17 | Principal Leadership Retreat | Details
Two-day retreat helps site-level leaders lead complex change, 9:00am-4:00pm at the Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma.

June 22-24 | 2015 Summer Coaching Institute | Details
Educational leaders and instructional coaches gain insight and practical strategies on a broad range of coaching topics, 8:30am-3:30pm at Petaluma City Schools District Office.

 Summer Professional Development

July | Mathematics Institutes, California Math Project
Five-day institutes presented by the California Math Project:North Coast address the major shifts in numbers and operations under the Common Core Standards, 8:30am-3:00pm at SCOE.
July 27-31 | Fractions on a Number Line, Grades 3-6
July 27-31 | Transformational Geometry

Aug 4-6 | eduIMPACT Summit | Details
Three-day summit features hands-on workshops, panel discussions, and presentations to prepare participants for 21st century teaching and learning in tech-supported schools and classrooms transitioning to CSSS, NGSS, and the new ELD standards, 8:30am-3:30pm at SCOE.

Aug 27 | Building an Age-Friendly Learning Community | Details
Suzette Lovely, superintendent of Carlsbad Unified School District and co-author of Generations at School: Building an Age-Friendly Learning Community, gives an inspirational presentation to kick off the 2015-16 school year, 1:00-3:00pm at SCOE. Co-hosted by SCOE and SCASA.

Next issue
The next issue of SCOE Connections will come out in August.


Sonoma County Office of Education

Steven D. Herrington, Ph.D., Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools
5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

(707) 524-2600 • www.scoe.orgwww.facebook.com/SonomaCOE