Sonoma County Office of Education

ESS Department News Archive

Contracts: Consultants and Presenters

Date: 05/13/2014
Author: Stacie

Due to recent feedback from consultants/presenters, we now have two possible contract templates programs can use when hiring someone: a consultant contract and a presenter contract.

The consultant contract should be used when you are hiring someone to do work for SCOE that will be owned by SCOE. 

The presenter contract should be used when you are hiring someone to present their work or concepts not owned by SCOE. 

Both contract templates are posted in the "Forms & Documents" box to the right.

If you have any questions, please contact Stacie. 

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student