Sonoma County Office of Education

ESS Department News Archive

*NEW* ESS Event Support Staff Alignments

Date: 07/24/2018
Author: Stacie

There have been some adjustments in how events are assigned for support to our two Event Planners (Connie Anderson and Christine Vasquez).

Effective 7/1/18, all CTE and CA Math Project events are supported by Christine, and all other content area events are supported by Connie - with some exceptions for large-scale or student events, which will be supported in various ways.

For full details, please review the Event/Meeting support tab of the ESS Staff Structure document, which is also posted on the left hand side of the ISD Newspage under "Org Charts". 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stacie. 

Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources