SCOE Seeks Coalition to Build Childcare Center
10/03/2019 -
Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) is working to identify a coalition of childcare agencies, developers, nonprofits, and local government to build and operate a new childcare center on SCOE-owned land in the airport business park.
This effort is meant to help address the ongoing need for childcare in Sonoma County. The Tubbs Fire eliminated more than 500 licensed childcare slots. It is unknown how many unlicensed childcare facilities were forced to shut down. Having adequate childcare is critical to the recruitment and retention of employees in local schools and other businesses, said Steve Herrington, Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools.
SCOE owns a 1.5 -acre parcel of land just north of its facility on Skylane Boulevard that it would like to dedicate for the creation of a childcare center. To this end, SCOE will host a Childcare Information Summit on Thursday, Oct. 10 to bring together interested parties and see if a consortium can be formed to make the childcare center a reality.
The following community partners will attend and present their visions for childcare in Sonoma County: County Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, First 5 Sonoma County Executive Director Angie Dillon Shore, and Santa Rosa Metro Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Peter Rumble.
Herrington envisions the project taking about five years to complete. The facility could cost an estimated $2 million to build.