Mickey Porter named SCOE Deputy Superintendent
06/16/2014 - Dr. Herrington has announced that Mickey Porter will assume the position of Deputy Superintendent for Instructional Services, effective July 1. This change in title is part of a realignment of responsibilities resulting from the recently enacted Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) legislation.
With the implementation of LCAP, the state assigned additional administrative and programmatic functions to county offices of education. As Deputy Superintendent, Mickey will have new responsibilities related to the LCAP, including the review and evaluation of Sonoma County school district and charter school plans. This significant responsibility is in addition to her current assignment, which includes oversight of the Alternative Education/Student Support, Career Technical Education, and Educational Support Services departments.
Dr. Herrington made this decision in response to state-level changes that impact SCOE, while keeping in mind the goal of maintaining operational costs. Thus, he will place Mickey on the salary schedule for deputy superintendent at the range closest to her current salary level.
With this change, there will now be two deputy superintendents at SCOE. Jim Cerreta, Deputy Superintendent for Business Services, will concentrate on business and administrative matters, while Mickey Porter will focus on instructional services.
No other changes in SCOE Leadership Team responsibilities are planned for 2014-15.