Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

Upcoming Curriculum Council Meeting: 9/28/18

Date: 09/21/2018
Author: Jennie Snyder

Our first Curriculum Council meeting of the year is scheduled for next Friday, September 28th at 9:15 am in the Teacher Learning Center in Eagan Rooms 3&4. You can find a copy of the agenda by clicking here.
The first part of the meeting will be for informational items and the second part will provide time for networking around topics of interest. To help us get a sense of the topics of most interest to you, please take a moment and respond to this brief survey.
We look forward to seeing you then.

Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources