Sonoma County Office of Education

Healdsburg Unified School District

Healdsburg Unified School District
1028 Prince Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 431-3488 | Fax: (707) 431-3499

Chris Vanden Heuvel Superintendent
(707) 431-3488
Kevin Bean Director of Student Supp Svcs
(707) 431-3383
Leigh Ann Bozung Food Service Supervisor
(707) 431-3434
Colin Dowling District Technology Coordinator
(707) 473-4438
Erin Fender Director of Curriculum & Instruction
(707) 431-3483
Laurel Green Executive Asst to the Superintendent
(707) 431-3488
Zenia Horning District Psychologist
(707) 431-3132
John Kamra Data Integration Specialist
(707) 431-3118
Bill Lewis Transportation Supervisor
(707) 431-3415
Karen Mendonca Human Resource Manager
(707) 431-3484
Esperanza Mendoza Accounts Payable/Purchasing
(707) 431-3403
Cindy Nordahl Payroll-Accounting Tech
(707) 431-3115 x108
Debbie Odetto Director of Business Services
(707) 431-3406
Kimberly Riff Admin Secretary Special Education
(707) 431-3132
Kristin Robinson Nurse
(617) 549-6290
Dennis Vickrey Maintenance & Operations Supv
(707) 362-1118
Lanette Zootis Accountant / Budget Analyst
(707) 431-3407


Healdsburg Elementary: Fitch Mountain Campus (3-5)
520 Monte Vista Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 473-4449 | Fax: (707) 473-4483

Erika McGuire Principal
(707) 473-4449
Maribel Chavez Rodriguez School Secretary
(707) 473-4449

Healdsburg Elementary: HES Campus (K-2)
400 First Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 431-3440 | Fax: (707) 431-3592

Tiffany Dougherty Principal
(707) 431-3440
Julianna Garfia School Secretary
(707) 431-3440
Laura Ramos Office Asst Bilingual

Healdsburg High School (9-12)
1024 Prince Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 431-3420 | Fax: (707) 431-3467

Tait Danhausen Principal High School
(707) 431-3460
Lucero Mendiola School Secretary
(707) 431-3420
Jody Pruitt Administrative Assistant
(707) 431-3475
Espie Roman Nunez Parent Outreach & Education Assistant
(707) 431-3413
Jonathan Weller Principal Asst High School
(707) 431-3454

Healdsburg Junior High School (6-8)
315 Grant Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 431-3410 | Fax: (707) 431-3593

Nicole Odetto Principal
(707) 431-3410
Jess Martinez School Secretary
(707) 431-3410
Cristo Mendoza Bilingual Stdnt Fam Svcs Coord
(707) 431-3413
Suzy Von Arx Registrar
(707) 431-3412

Marce Becerra Academy (10-12, Continuation)
1024 Prince Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 431-3449 | Fax: (707) 431-3595

Same staffing as Healdsburg High School.