Sonoma County Office of Education

Teaching & Learning Department

Teaching & Learning Department

SCOE's Teaching & Learning (T & L) Department assists schools and districts in providing high quality, innovative services to support the learning of all students. With the shift in the role of County Offices of Education to support districts as part of a continuous improvement process, the T&L Department is realigning its support to districts to include three primary areas of focus: systems, content and external partnerships. Services provided to districts by the T & L Department include General Support, Differentiated Support, and Special Programs. You can learn more about our certificated team by clicking here.

General Support

General support services, some of which are Fee for Service, are offered to all districts in support of instruction and learning.
  • Professional Learning Networks
  • Support for California Standards (ELA, Math, Next Generation Science Standards)
  • Support for continuous improvement processes across systems
  • Support for educators of EL students
  • Support for assessments & community initiatives
  • Professional Learning for Integration of 21st Century Skills
  • Technical Assistance/Review of Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
  • Title III Consortium
  • Sonoma County Cooperative for Categorical Programs (Co-op)
  • Williams Reviews

Differentiated Support

Differentiated support services, provided to LEAs that are newly eligible and those that continue to be eligible for this type of support through the state and federal accountability systems, include:

  • Facilitation of the continuous improvement process with LEA teams with representatives across the system (including district and site leaders, teachers, and other staff).
  • Support in identifying research-based practices and the design of tests of change focused on
  • Coaching support for LEA teams through the continuous improvement process.
  • Professional learning focused on building capacity for continuous improvement.

Special Programs

Special Programs include unique and targeted programs for school and districts:

  • ieSonoma
  • Student Events: Spelling Bee, Robotics, STEAM Showcase, Five Minute Film Festival
  • Teachers Acquiring Language Learner Knowledge (TALLK)
  • California Math Project: North Coast (CMPNC)
  • Library Services


Questions may be directed to:

  • Kelley Dillon, Assistant Superintendent - Equitable Education Services Division
    (707) 524-2786,
  • Kasey Deis, Admin Operations Specialist
    (707) 524-2813,
  • Tara Beiden, Division Support Assistant
    (707) 522-3151,
  • Amanda Snook, Division Support Assistant
    (707) 524-2820,