Sonoma County Office of Education

Compliance and Implementation of Services and Supports for English Learners -Virtual

The California Department of Education will address issues related to compliance and implementation of services and supports for English learners. Topics include: ELAC, DELAC, EL identification and assessment, reclassification, Title III, language program options and parent choice, Designated and Integrated ELD, and access to core subject matter.

Once registered, participants will be sent a calendar invite which will include the Zoom link.

When Tuesday, October 3, 2023
9:00am - 12:00pm
Location Virtual via Zoom
Presenter California Department of Education
Cost Free
Audience TK-12 Admin
Registration closes 10/03/2023
Registration Danielle Brusnahan, (707) 524-2823,
Questions Jenn Guerrero, (707) 524-2852,

Online Registration is not available.