Sonoma County Office of Education

NCSOE Education Specialist Teacher Induction Cohort

Provide a space for new educational specialists to work together, learn from each other and build a supportive and welcoming community; with the tools and resources needed to provide equal access to the general education curriculum while meeting Teacher Induction Requirements.

Four Sessions September 2021-April 2022


9/14/21: Orientation - Group norms ILP Tutorial (September)

10/26/21: The IEP and Present Level Data (October)

2/1/22: Accommodations, Services and Instruction (February)

4/5/22: Sharecase and a Celebration of Learning (April)

When Begins, Tuesday, September 14, 2021
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location Virtual via Zoom
Presenter Mark Niemann and Vela Millen
Cost Free Fees covered through district MOU.
Audience Year 1 Candidates & Mentors with a focus on Special Education
Registration closes 09/30/2021
Registration NCSOE Staff, (707) 524-2818,
Questions NCSOE Staff, (707) 524-2818, Mark Niemann,

Online Registration is not available.