Sonoma County Office of Education

Other Resources

Other Resources

Aiming High Resource Briefs

Aiming High is a Sonoma County initiative to close the achievement gap for English learners. Published from 2005 to 2010, the Briefs were a series of publications developed by the EL Services staff to highlight strategies for improving instruction for English learners and provide resources for implementation and further study. Past issues focused on monitoring language proficiency, parent communication, stalled English learners, language objectives, and structures for ELD instruction. An archive of the publications are available online. If you would like to access these publications, please email your request to

Data on EL Enrollment & Achievement

To access district and school-level data regarding English Learners, please visit:
California School Dashboard
California Model Five-by-Five Placement Reports & Data

Migrant Education | Link

Migrant Education is a federally funded program designed to provide supplementary educational and support services to eligible migrant students. A child (ages 3-21) is considered “migrant” if the parent or guardian is a migratory worker in the agricultural, dairy, lumber (except lumber mills), or fishing industries and whose family has moved during the past three years. A “qualifying” move can range from moving across school district boundaries or from one state to another for the purpose of finding temporary or seasonal employment.

Region 2 Migrant Education, which includes Sonoma County, is administered though the Butte County Office of Education. The regional website details the identification and recruitment of migrant students as well as instructional programs and other services provided to qualified children and their families.

Title III Assistance

SCOE English Learner Coordinator Jenn Guerrero provides technical assistance and guidance in writing Title III plans, implementing best practices, and monitoring/reporting progress for districts not meeting annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs). Learn more about Title III


Questions may be directed to:

  • Patty Dineen, Principal
  • Imelda Padilla, Accounts Payable
    (707) 524-2647,
  • Susana Lowery,
    (707) 522-3039,
Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources