Sonoma County Office of Education

Health/Safety Requirements for Staff

08/06/2020 -

We ask that all SCOE staff take the following steps to maintain the safety of themselves and others:

  • Conduct a self-check before coming to work each day. We recommend using the county's COVID-check app or this simple checklist based on the county's app.
  • If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or believe that you may have been exposed, stay home and contact your doctor.
  • You will receive an additional temperature screening at work
  • Respect individuals’ cubicle/office space
  • Maintain six feet or more from others at all times
  • Wear a mask whenever close to others or moving through common areas
  • Reserve social visits to lunch/breaks outdoors
  • Stay within your department as much as possible
  • Use phone/email instead of in-person visits when possible
  • Use mail room to deliver papers between offices, rather than using individual inboxes
  • Hold blended virtual/in-person meetings to minimize number of people in a room