Sonoma County Office of Education

Updated California Mask Requirements

11/19/2020 -

On Nov. 16, Gavin Newsom announced new requirements for wearing face coverings in order to address the spread of COVID-19. Californians are now required to wear face coverings whenever they are in public, including in office settings. Exemptions that apply at SCOE include an individual working alone in an office or room, people who are actively eating and spaced at least six feet from others, and individuals exempted for health reasons.

In order to comply with these new requirements, and to help keep our SCOE community as safe as possible, we ask that all employees wear masks at all times at SCOE, unless they are alone in an office or a room. If two or more people are together in an office or room, they must wear masks even if they are more than six feet apart.

Please work with your manager and division/department lead on how this affects you. Instructional staff who share their teaching space with other staff (e.g., TAs) should talk to their Principal about a plastic face shield with an attached mask to wear while giving instruction. A “Humanity Shield” will be provided to these specific instructional staff.

Thank you for helping to slow the spread and keep our community healthy.