Celebrating SCOE's Team Player, Miwa Smith
04/30/2021 -
SCOE's Personnel Commission is pleased to announce that they have selected Miwa Smith, an administrative support secretary with the Administrative Services Division as this year's Team Player. This annual award recognizes a SCOE employee who demonstrates outstanding performance, integrity, and customer service.
Miwa was recognized for her consistent professionalism and high level of customer service to the public, as well as for going above and beyond to help the rest of the Administration Department team with challenging communications during the pandemic. "Miwa has and continues to actively engage with the community regarding their concerns, which cover a wide variety of topics including COVID, school closing/reopening, distance learning, etc....Without being asked, Miwa took the time to educate herself on a variety of topics so she could field all these questions," read her nomination. "This is a burden she carried without complaint, with empathy and kindness for every person who reached out."
Miwa will be honored during a reception hosted by the Personnel Commission on May 24 at 4:00 pm, to be held via Zoom.
Miwa was one of nine outstanding employees nominated for this recognition. We would like to recognize and thank all the nominees for their service and dedication during this incredibly challenging year! Congratulations to nominees Deb Willner, Erica Hurtado, Kenna Kitamura, Liz Morrison & Gee Boggs as a team, Sheri Roberge, Thuan Pham, and the Maintenance & Operations Team (Dania Benavides Torres, Jennifer Duckhorn, Scott Straub, Jim Perreault, Jorge Torres & Joel Rennison).