Employee Spotlight: Kristen DelMonte
08/07/2022 -
Kristen DelMonte
How long have you been a teacher, and where have you worked?
9 years I worked at Apple Blossom Elementary in Sebastopol. I worked as a Kindergarten and TK combo teacher for two years and then I created and began teaching Transitional Kindergarten for 4 years. I taught first grade during the 20-21 (distance learning) school year. Last year I transitioned to the Academic Intervention Coordinator where I worked with our intervention team and coordinated the Student Study Team.
Job Title:
Teacher on Loan
How do you describe your job to people outside SCOE?
I love to talk about my job and all the ways in which I love working at SCOE. I describe my position as someone who can support other TK teachers.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Rio Vista California, which is a small, rural town on the Sacramento Delta.
Who was your favorite childhood teacher and why?
My favorite childhood teacher was Mrs. Turk. Mrs. Turk was a long term substitute teacher I had in second grade. She was also my high school volleyball, basketball and softball coach. After I graduated, she became the principal at my high school and is still there today. Mrs. Turk was amazing because of the relationships that she created and nurtured with her students. Mrs. Turk inspired me to be the best person I can be. This past winter, when my mother passed away, I was shocked and surprised to see Mrs. Turk come to the funeral. It was such a special gesture and reminded me about how important relationships are with our students and that for some, they truly are life-long.
What has surprised you so far about SCOE?
I love how friendly everyone is. I have enjoyed how much collaboration happens and being a part of a team.
Outside of work, what is your favorite hobby or way to unwind?
My favorite hobby is to exercise and spend time with my family. I enjoy going running or riding my bike. My kids are very active in sports and other activities, so my weekends are usually filled with family time.
Do you have a favorite TV show, movie or book that involves a school setting?
What is your favorite place in Sonoma County?
My favorite place in Sonoma County is Armstrong Woods. It’s where my husband proposed to me and has always been a very special place to our family.
What might people be surprised to learn about you?
When I was younger, I served as a summer intern Chaplain at a Women’s prison that included death row. I also prefer black coffee.