Ethnic Studies and Equity
SCOE strongly supports state, county, and school district efforts promote racial justice, confront bias, and foster tolerance. We are committed to collaborating with and amplifying the efforts of the California Department of Education (CDE) and local school districts.
As a starting point, this page offers resources carefully curated by a group of equity-minded mental health professionals and educators who work for the Sonoma County Office of Education. We invite your thoughts on how schools can help build a more tolerant, just society here in Sonoma County. Please send them to
- To work in partnership to support district and region workshops around the development and implementation of Ethnic Studies courses that reflect each districts/sites local history and demographic
- To create opportunities for educators to engage in authentic development of courses that honors the diverse cultures of their district. sites, county, and state.
- To ensure sites have courses that reflect and are influenced by their student and stakeholder populations contributions.
- Educator and community PD’s/ Workshops/Events
- Partner Collabs
- Meeting funding deadlines
- Educator and community PD’s/ Workshops
- Opportunities for SCOE to be a resource for Educators and the community
- Honor our country's cultures via our website during monthly recognitions
- Support - SoCo Rising (with focus on student-led panels)
Ethnic Studies Implementation Tool Kit
- School Districts Using Innovative Approaches To Comply With Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement
- Los Angeles County Office of Education: Ethnic Studies Adoption Toolkit
- School Districts Using Innovative Approaches To Comply With Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement
County Links
- Alameda County Office of Education Ethnic Studies home page
- Alameda County Ethnic Studies Network- Register Here
- San Diego County Office of Education EQUITY home page
District Links
County Office Examples of Stipends for COPs
State Trainings
- California Department of Education's Ethnic Studies Professional Development resource page
- OUSD Ethnic Studies Framework 2020-21
County Trainings and Offerings
Cultural Month Celebration examples (Equity)
- Hispanic Heritage Month: Ideas and Resources for Educators
- Native American Heritage Month: Ideas and Resources for Educators
- African American History Month Resources
- Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Resources
- LGBTQ+ History Month Resources
Anti Hate lInks( Equity)
- San Mateo County Office of Education: Antiracism and Injustice Resources
- National Coming Out Day: Resources & More
- California Department of Education: LGBTQ+ Resources: Region 1 – North Coast