External Finance & Payroll
External Payroll & Finance processes payroll, vendor warrants, and deposits for SCOE and districts/charters using SCOE's financial system; conducts PERS, STRS, W2 and 1099 reporting, and manages payroll tax payments. This department balances cash for the Schools Fund as well as allocations of state and federal apportionments, and is the liaison with the County of Sonoma Treasury. Workshops are held to inform districts and charters of retirement laws, reporting requirements and business procedures.

Christy Arend
Director External Payroll & Finance
(707) 524-2656

Jing Liu
External Payroll & Finance Analyst
(707) 524-2954
Questions may be directed to:
- Jing Liu, External Payroll & Finance Analyst
707-524-2954, - Janelle Sarsfield, Accounting Analyst
(707) 524-2649, - Sarah Graves, Resource Materials Clerk/Accounting Technician III
707-524-2646, - Scott Greenwood, Accounting Technician II
(707) 524-2612, - Kristin Enbysk, Administrative Operations Specialist
707-524-2628, - Thuan Pham, Accounting Analyst
(707) 524-2636, - Maria Aguayo, PERS Retirement Analyst
(707) 524-2655, - Allison Britton, Retirement Analyst
707-524-2651, - Christy Arend, Director, External Payroll & Finance