Congratulations to SCOE's 2018 Alternative Education Graduates
05/28/2018 -
Six students from SCOE's alternative education programs received their graduation diplomas in a heartfelt ceremony on Tuesday, May 29 at the Sonoma County Office of Education. The Class of 2018 includes 13 students who are expected to complete requirements for their high school diploma.
Student Heidy Ortiz , pictured above, was one of three students who delivered moving speeches about the challenges they'd overcome—and the support received along the way—that allowed them to graduate.
Heidy Ortiz and Kevin Cruz each received both the County Board of Education Scholarship and the County Superintendent Scholarship will be recognized, expressing great surprise and joy at the financial assistance to purse their college educations.
The Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) operates Alternative Education Programs to provide a supportive learning environment for 12 to 18 year-old students who are experiencing difficulties in a traditional school setting or who are struggling with behavior patterns in school or the community. The program serves students who have been expelled from school, identified as habitually truant, placed on probation by the court, incarcerated or otherwise referred by a school, district, probation, or social service agency and strives to provide students with the support they need to succeed in school. High school graduation for these students is an especially significant achievement.