Sonoma County Office of Education

Google Drive

Google Drive

Chromebooks are Internet-dependent devices that have an important place in school learning environments. Schools are choosing to purchase them for a variety of reasons, including their ease of use, low cost, and Google App functions.

Powered by Google’s Chrome operating system, Chromebooks apply actions through a web browser interface. Web apps provide the user with access to email, documents, and multimedia resources. Capabilities are severely limited without Internet access, so schools using Chromebooks need to ensure that they have sufficient Internet bandwidth for their use. Electronic files created on Chromebooks are saved to the web and can be accessed by other computers or tablets.

Here is a video that provides an overview of the use of Chromebooks in the classroom:

General Information about Chromebooks
Product Page for Chromebooks
Guided Tour of Chromebook Operating System
Chromebook Central, User Group for Questions and Answers
What Chromebooks Can and Can’t Do
100 Tips for Mastering Chrome OS

Google Drive

Google Drive is key to understanding the operation and potential uses for Chromebooks in learning. Individuals obtain access to Google Drive by setting up an account with Google. Google Drive offers a place to store, access, and create files with Chromebooks, laptops, and tablets. The resources below are offered as a starting place for learning about Google Drive.

Introduction to Google Drive
Exploring Google Drive- File Management
Google Docs and Drive for Educators

Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
GAFE Training Center
Learn how to use GAFE
GAFE User Guides

Useful Web Tools

Matt O’Donnell, SCOE 21st century technology innovation specialist, has compiled this list of Web Tools for Educators that have potential for use with Chromebooks. From animation to whiteboards and everything in between, these online resources can be integrated into the classrooms and used with students.

Learn More

SCOE now has a set of 15 Chromebooks in the try-before-you-buy program. Sonoma County educators interested in seeing how Chromebooks work in their classrooms can arrange to spend a week with 15 devices. To learn more, contact:

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst