Technology Skill Development
Technology is not an “elective” with the Common Core Standards and 21st century learning. Abilities to work with technology are essential for success in school, college, and careers. Working to guide development of technology skills among K-12 students, several organizations have provided lists and matrices detailing recommended skills for students, teachers, and administrators.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Profiles for Technology Literate Students (pdf)
ISTE Student Standards
ISTE 2016 Digital Learner Standards
ISTE Teacher Standards
ISTE Digital Age Coaching Standards
ISTE Administrator Standards
Long Beach Unified School District
CCSS K-12 Technology Scope and Sequence (pdf)
Districts may want to consider these matrices as they develop multi-year district and site technology plans and begin implementing the Common Core State Standards. The resources can also be referenced as districts define their own technology skill expectations for students.