Sonoma County Office of Education

Transition Fair

Transition Fair

This free event is designed to help students and their families learn about services for individuals with special needs as they transition from school-based programs to adulthood. Sonoma County special education students in middle school, high school, and post-secondary programs and their families are invited to attend. Service providers will be at the event to provide information and answer questions about residential options, adult day programs, vocational training, employment, and much more.

The date, time and location of the 14th annual Transition Fair will be announced during the winter of 2021 and the website will be updated to reflect this announcement.

The Transition Fair is a service of the Sonoma County Transition Consortium, which consists of representatives from Sonoma County Office of Education, North Bay Regional Center, Department of Rehabilitation, local school districts and adult service providers. For more information, contact Tana Lambert (707) 992-1142 or


Feria de Transición

Este evento gratuito está diseñado para ayudar a estudiantes con necesidades especiales y sus familias a aprender sobre de los servicios disponibles en la transición de programas escolares hacia la edad adulta. Se invita a estudiantes del Condado de Sonoma con educación especial, y a estudiantes con necesidades especiales en la escuela media, secundaria, y programas de postsecundaria y sus familias a asistir. Intérpretes de español estarán disponibles.

Los proveedores de servicios estarán en el evento para proporcionar información y responder a preguntas sobre las opciones residenciales, programas de día para adultos, la formación profesional, empleo, y más.

La Feria es un servicio del Consorcio de Transición del Condado de Sonoma, que se compone de representantes de SCOE, el Centro Regional del Norte de la Bahía (NBRC), el Departamento de Rehabilitación, los distritos escolares y los proveedores de servicios para adultos. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Tana Lambert al (707) 992-1142 o


Questions may be directed to:

  • Tana Lambert, School Psychologist
    707-992-1142 ,
  • Amy Lawson, Principal
Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student