Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Maker Education

Blog: Maker Education

Casey SheaThis blog offers ideas and resources to support school programs that offer young people the opportunity to explore and develop interest in science, technology, engineering, math, art, and learning as a whole through “making.” Author Casey Shea worked closely with Dale Dougherty and Maker Media to create the first high school Make class in the country. He is now SCOE's Make Coordinator.

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Learning about making at NASA's Langley Research Center

SCOE's STEM Makerspace

The New SCOE Design Lab
Over the summer, a very exciting project took shape in the SCOE offices on Skylane Boulevard. Thanks to our partnership with Quattrocchi Kwok Architects and the supportive leadership at SCOE of Dr. Steve Herrington (Superintendent), Mickey Porter (Deputy Superintendent), and John Silvestrini (Operations Director), SCOE became one of the first county offices of education anywhere to house its own makerspace! (Click here to read an article about the Design Lab in the North Bay Business Journal.) Read More...

Make & Take Workshops: Rocket Launchers, Wind Tubes and Marble Machines
Teachers from around the county recently helped SCOE pilot three Make and Take Workshops as part of this year’s Maker Education initiative. Participants assembled three different pieces of equipment to take back to their classrooms and use with students. Raw materials, tools, and coaching were provided, but these sessions were designed as do-it-yourself workshops—with teachers doing the making. Read More...

What Do You Want to Make?
Learn why “making” is fast becoming one of the tools that schools are using to nurture and develop 21st century skills in students, then find out how Sonoma County educators can access resources and training to bring making to life on their campuses. Read More...

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Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst