Sonoma County Office of Education

California Math Framework Overview for Superintendents

Superintendents will leave knowing the key components of the framework and its implications for teaching, learning, and assessment. They will construct talking points to share with educational partners, including parents and community members. Superintendents will also be introduced to the Sonoma County Office of Education’s five year plan for guiding the implementation of the California Math Framework. 

When Friday, September 8, 2023
8:30am - 10:30am
Location Sonoma County Office of Education, Redwood Rooms A-C
5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Presenter Kate Westrich | Director of Teaching and Learning

Emily Akinshin | Project Coordinator - Math

Rick Barlow | Project Coordinator - Math

Cost Free
Audience Superintendents
Registration closes 09/08/2023
Registration Danielle Brusnahan, (707) 524-2823,
Questions Emily Akinshin, (707) 524-2600 ext. 2036,

Online Registration is not available.