Distance Learning and Coronavirus Resources for SCOE Students
Get Tested PSA Videos
The Sonoma County Office of Education in partnership with the County of Sonoma has created a video PSA to encourage students and families to regularly get tested for Covid-19. The video is available in English and Spanish. Please share it with your school community.
School Reopening Parent Letter
Get the latest details on the return to in-person instruction: School Reopening Parent Letter, March 8, 2021
COVID-19 Safety Plan
All schools are required to prepare and post a COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist that describes steps the school will take to minimize in-school transmissions and enable, first, a phased return to in-person instruction, and then ongoing safe in-person instruction. Creating and posting this plan is an important first step in reopening our school program.
Additional details about the plan can be found here:
Plan de seguridad COVID-19
Se requiere que todas las escuelas preparen y publiquen una Lista de verificación de orientación escolar COVID-19 que describa los pasos que tomará la escuela para minimizar las transmisiones dentro de la escuela y permitir, primero, un regreso gradual a la instrucción en persona, y luego instrucción continua y segura en persona. Crear y publicar este plan es un primer paso importante para reabrir nuestro programa escolar.
- Lista de verificación de orientación escolar COVID-19 de educación alternativa
Puede encontrar detalles adicionales sobre el plan aquí:
2020-21 Alternative Education School Reopening Plan
2020-21 Alternative Education School Reopening Plan
2020-21 Educación Alternativa Proyecto de Plan de Reapertura Escolar
2020-21 Educación Alternativa Proyecto de Plan de Reapertura Escolar
Roadmap to a Safe Reopening: Parent Guide
The Parent Guide is also now available with the revised language in English and Spanish.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sonoma County Schools
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sonoma County Schools and reopening requirements in English and Spanish
Students have access to our counselors at school any time they need support or to talk through an issue or concern. Contact the school office for more information:
Los estudiantes tienen acceso a nuestros consejeros en la escuela en cualquier momento que necesiten apoyo o para hablar sobre un problema o inquietud. Póngase en contacto con la oficina de la escuela para obtener más información.
Other Resources
Here is an e-book (in English and Spanish) that explains what COVID-19 is, how it spreads, and gives advice on how we can all work together to slow the spread of the disease. It was written by a social epidemiologist and published by A Kid Book About.
Aquí hay un libro electrónico (en inglés y español) que explica qué es COVID-19, cómo se propaga y brinda consejos sobre cómo todos podemos trabajar juntos para frenar la propagación de la enfermedad. Fue escrito por un epidemiólogo social y publicado por "A Kid Book About".
Accessibility Notice
The Sonoma County Office of Education is committed to making its online materials and information accessible to individuals of all abilities.
Individuals may obtain an alternate, accessible version of the content in these documents by contacting webmaster@scoe.org and by including a copy of the document as an attachment. If you are unable to attach a copy of the document, please indicate the document name and website location. SCOE staff will respond to your request within two business days.