Sonoma County Office of Education

Main Skylane Facility Closed the Weekends of Aug. 18-19 and 25-26

08/24/2018 -

To allow for the replacement of SCOE's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit, the main Skylane facility will be closed to staff the weekends of Aug. 19-20 and 25-26. Staff are not allowed in the building during this time and should not attempt to enter the Skylane facility, as it will interfere with the work being done.

The replacement of the unit on the south side of the Skylane facility was originally scheduled for Aug. 11-12 but had to be rescheduled due to structural issues. The replacement will now take place this coming week, Aug. 19-20. The building will be closed and construction equipment will take up a portion of the parking lot near the Special Education and Alternative Education offices. The Teacher Learning Center is scheduled to be open, but full, due to a large NCSOE training taking place there.

The replacement of the unit on the north side of the building will take place the following weekend, Aug. 25-26. The main Skylane campus will be closed during that time as well.

Thank you for your patience as SCOE completes this project.