Sonoma County Office of Education

Deputy Superintendent Dr. Jennie Snyder Honored for Leadership

10/22/2018 -

Jennie Snyder, far right, holds her Steering Committee Star AwardDr. Jennie Snyder, Deputy Superintendent of Educational Support Services at the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE), was recognized this month for her leadership around the state in helping county offices of education fill their new role under California's System of Support for schools.

Dr. Snyder was named a Steering Committee Star on Monday, Oct. 15 at the general membership luncheon of the California County Superintendents' organization, CCSESA. The award recognizes steering committee members who have played a critical role in fulfilling the committee’s goals. Dr. Snyder's colleagues selected Dr. Snyder for this award to recognize her hard work and dedication in leading county offices.

Congratulations, Dr. Snyder!