Sonoma County Office of Education

Education Facts Sonoma County

Sonoma County Schools Data and Facts

This page contains data on Sonoma County school districts and schools. It is updated in the spring of each year. Information is for the 2019-20 school year unless otherwise noted.

Education Facts 2020-21 Publication

This annual report provides a wealth of data about Sonoma County schools, including: number of schools, enrollment, student diversity, achievement, school staffing, and funding. 

Public Schools and Districts in Sonoma County

For a complete list of school districts and schools:


Elementary: 31
High School: 3
Unified: 6
Total: 40


Elementary: 103
Middle/Junior High: 26
High: 19
Alternative: 14
Independent Study: 5
Total: 165* 53 of the above total are charter schools.



Student Enrollment by District

Visit this California Department of Education web page to see student enrollment broken down by school district.

Number of K-12 public school students

2020-21: 66,450
2019-20: 68,194
2018-19: 70,449
2016-17: 70,940
2015-16: 71,131
2014-15; 71,096
2013-14: 70,932
2012-13: 70,637

Students by Group

Economically Disadvantaged: 45.1% | 32,463
English Learner: 17.7%| 11,748
Special Education: 16.2% | 9,379
Foster Youth (2015-16): .08% | 598

During 2019-20, 11,452 English learners were redesignated Fluent English Proficient.

Students by Race/Ethnicity

Hispanic/Latino: 47.2%
White: 40.6%
Multiple/no response: 5.4%
Asian, Pacific Islander, Filipino: 4.3% 
African American: 1.6% 
Native American: .08% 

Academic Progress

Find additional measures of school/district performance and progress at

Class of 2020 Sonoma County Graduates:

Number of Graduates 2020: 5,448

Cohort Graduation Rate 2020:
All Students: Please check back
White Students: Please check back
Hispanic/Latino Students: Please check back

Graduate transition to higher education

Graduates completing a-g requirements, 2019-20*: 37%
College-Going Rate 2019-20: 63%

*Cohort graduation rate is the percentage of students who earned diplomas in four years
*Students who complete the a-g requirements have met requirements to enter UC/CSU system

SBAC Results 2019

The Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC) measure student knowledge of English language arts (ELA) and math as part of the overall California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system.

Subject County - % Proficient State - % Proficient
English language arts 50.4 51.1
Mathematics 37.9 39.7


Learn about Sonoma County's award-winning schools here.

Finance and Staffing

Expenditures 2017-18

Benefits: 25.5%
Books/Supplies: 3.9%
Other Operating Expenses: 17.3%
Salaries: 53.3%

Income for K-12 Education 2017-18

Countywide general fund income by source

State sources: 43%
Property taxes: 39.3%
Federal sources: 3.6%
Other sources: 16.1%
Total: K-12 Income for Sonoma County: $918,343,558

Public School Staffing 2018-19

Administrators: 405
Teachers: 4,152
Pupil services (counselors, nurses, etc.): 535
Classified staff: 2,835

About SCOE

SCOE Leadership

SCOE is led by a publicly elected county superintendent. Learn about the Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools here.

Separately elected Sonoma County Board of Education members oversee county court and community schools and work with the superintendent to oversee county education initiatives. Learn about the board here.

SCOE Priorities

Learn about SCOE's mission and priorities here.

SCOE Programs

SCOE provides the following:
Classroom instruction for approximately 390 special education students, preschool through age 22
Instructional support services for about 380  students who are deaf/hard of hearing or visually impaired
Case management for approximately 50 students who live in licensed children’s institutions and attend non-public schools
Alternative schools for approximately 142 at-risk youth
Instruction to about 300 students in juvenile hall (over the course of the year) and about 40 adults in county correctional facilities
242 professional development classes for educators serving more than 5,500 attendees
Processing of financial transactions and review of Local Control and Accountability Plans for 40 districts