Sonoma County Office of Education

Ready for the NGSS adventure?

Author: Anna Babarinde
Published: 08.28.14

Anna Van DordrechtWelcome to my NGSS blog! My name is Anna Van Dordrecht and I am thrilled to be SCOE’s new Teacher-on-Loan for science.

In my “other life”—I wear two hats this year—I teach at Maria Carrillo High School, where I’m starting my ninth year. I’ve taught biology and earth science at every high school level and am constantly impressed with students’ level of curiosity, the critical thinking they’re capable of engaging in, and the genuine concern they have for the science issues of today.

As a teacher, the first day of school—not January 1—is forever emblazoned on my mind as New Year’s Day. When the school year opens, it’s the start of a new adventure into uncharted territory where anything is possible.

This is particularly true in science, where I can tell students with certainty that something I plan to teach them during the year will change. New science discoveries are always being made, shifting what we know and how we think about the world.

This year more than any other feels like the start of a new adventure as we begin to explore the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and what they will mean for science education.

The thing about new adventures is that the story isn’t written, and none of us know what the end result will be. This can feel unnerving, especially when the rest of education is also shifting with the introduction of Common Core and 21st Century Learning. But as we approach NGSS, we can take a cue from science history. Any number of famous discoveries and adventures came about only because scientists dove into something they felt was important and had potential, without knowing exactly where it would take them.

NGSS has tremendous potential to enrich science education and equip and inspire students to pursue science. These students in turn have the potential to change the field of science and the world.

But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. For now, I’m excited to begin this adventure with you. Please check back for more information on NGSS and opportunities in science throughout the year.

Blog: Exploring NGSS