English Learner Leadership Conference
All materials from the 2016 English Learner Leadership Conference can be found below. Files are in PDF format unless indicated otherwise. For information or questions, contact Jenn Guerrero, EL Coordinator, at jguerrero@scoe.org.
Overview of the Conference
Morning Keynote
Make Your Voice Heard: Advocating for ELL Equity
Ryan J. Smith, Executive Director, The Education Trust West

Morning Breakouts
Administrator Focus
Utliizing SBAC Designated Supports for English Learners
Presenter: Rick Phelan, SCOE Technology for Learners Director
Elementary Focus
"She Looks like ME!": Literature Representing Diverse Perspectives
Presenter: Kelly Matteri, SCOE Teacher-on-Loan for ELA
- Presentation Slides
- Selecting Culturally Appropriate Children's Books
- Critical Practices
- Importance of Diversity
- Diversity In Action
- Appendix D Text Selection Tool
Secondary Focus
Secondary Success for EL Learners
Kris Menlove, Director of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Cloverdale Unified School District
K-12 Focus
Parents as Partners: Fostering Family Leadership in Your Classroom
Presenters: Veronica Flores Malagon, Senior Practice Associate, Education Trust-West
- Presentation Slides
- Butterflies by Patricia Grace
- Family Engagement Plan Template
- The Iceberg Concept
Afternoon Keynote
Jennifer Vargas Esquivel, Sacramento Area Youth Speaks poet-mentor, performs a spoken-word piece and talks about her experience growing up as an English Learner.
Literacy is a Civil Write: Teaching Tools for Social Resistance within and beyond the walls of Schools
Dr. Vajra Watson, Director of Research and Policy for Equity at UC Davis and Founder of Sacramento Area Youth Speaks, and Jennifer Vargas Esquivel
Afternoon Breakouts
K-12 and Admin Focus
The Write to Go Home
Dr. Vajra Watson and Jennifer Vargas Esquivel
K-12 Focus
Thinking strategically and collaboratively before considering an EL for Special Education Eligibility
Presenter: Sharen Bertrando, Program Specialist, Sonoma County SELPA
K-12 Focus
Using Maker Education to Leverage Language Opportunities for English Learners
Presenters: Casey Shea, SCOE Teacher on Loan - Maker Education
Jenn Guerrero, EL Coordinator, SCOE
Matt O'Donnell, Tech Innovation Specialist, SCOE
Elementary Focus
Integrated ELD - More Than Just "Good Teaching"
Presenter: Kathy Harris, Piner Olivet Instructional Coach
Secondary Focus
"She Looks Like ME!": Literature Representing Diverse Perspectives
Presenters: Kelly Matteri, SCOE Teacher-on-Loan for ELA
- Presentation Slides
- Selecting Culturally Appropriate Children's Books
- Critical Practices
- Importance of Diversity
- Diversity In Action
- Appendix D Text Selection Tool