SCOE is supporting the shift to 21st century teaching and learning by offering professional development for teachers and school leaders and supporting the purposeful use of new technology tools.
SCOE supports Common Core Standards implementation by providing resources and training to help educators refocus English-language arts and math instruction.

SCOE helps develop, enhance, and sustain high-quality college and career readiness programs for Sonoma County students by offering assistance and support to districts, school sites, and teachers.
SCOE supports the shift to 21st century teaching and learning by offering innovative professional learning opportunities for educators and supporting the purposeful use of new technology tools.
SCOE promotes the use of data to make instructional decisions and monitor student progress. Support is available to help schools prepare for Smarter Balanced assessments, implement formative assessment strategies, and analyze assessment results.
SCOE supports the educational community working with children 0-5 years of age, with a goal of ensuring that all children have the early learning foundation to experience ongoing school success.
SCOE offers professional development, coaching, and support services to help strengthen instructional programs that serve Multilingual Learners.
On July 14, 2016, the California State Board of Education adopted a new curriculum framework for history and social science. This framework provides new guidance for implementation of the CA History-Social Studies standards adopted in 1998. The four driving themes of this new framework, content, inquiry, literacy, and citizenship, create a context for learning that and emphasizes deeper learning, critical thinking and clear communication.
Here you will find resources to help schools transition to and use the new ELA standards.